class documentation

class FakeUI: (source)

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A fake UI object, adhering to the interface expected by KnownHostsFile.verifyHostKey

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method prompt Issue the user an interactive prompt, which they can accept or deny.
Method warn Issue a non-interactive warning to the user.
Instance Variable promptDeferred last result returned from 'prompt'.
Instance Variable promptText the last input provided to 'prompt'.
Instance Variable userWarnings inputs provided to 'warn'.
def __init__(self): (source)


def prompt(self, text): (source)

Issue the user an interactive prompt, which they can accept or deny.

def warn(self, text): (source)

Issue a non-interactive warning to the user.

promptDeferred = (source)

last result returned from 'prompt'.

promptText = (source)

the last input provided to 'prompt'.

userWarnings: list = (source)

inputs provided to 'warn'.