module documentation
Class ConsoleUITests Test cases for ConsoleUI.
Class DefaultAPITests The API in twisted.conch.client.default.verifyHostKey is the integration point between the code in the rest of conch and KnownHostsFile.
Class EntryTestsMixin Tests for implementations of IKnownHostEntry. Subclasses must set the 'entry' attribute to a provider of that interface, the implementation of that interface under test.
Class FakeFile A fake file-like object that acts enough like a file for ConsoleUI.prompt.
Class FakeObject A fake object that can have some attributes. Used to fake SSHClientTransport and SSHClientFactory.
Class FakeUI A fake UI object, adhering to the interface expected by KnownHostsFile.verifyHostKey
Class HashedEntryTests Tests for HashedEntry.
Class HashedEntryWithCommentTests Test cases for PlainEntry when parsed from a line with a comment.
Class KnownHostsDatabaseTests Tests for KnownHostsFile.
Class ParseErrorTests HashedEntry.fromString and PlainEntry.fromString can raise a variety of errors depending on misformattings of certain strings. These tests make sure those errors are caught. Since many of the ways that this can go wrong are in the lower-level APIs being invoked by the parsing logic, several of these are integration tests with the ...
Class PlainEntryTests Test cases for PlainEntry.
Class PlainTextWithCommentTests Test cases for PlainEntry when parsed from a line with a comment.
Class UnparsedEntryTests Tests for UnparsedEntry
Variable ecdsaSampleEncodedKey Undocumented
Variable ecdsaSampleKey Undocumented
Variable otherSampleEncodedKey Undocumented
Variable otherSampleKey Undocumented
Variable otherSamplePlaintextLine Undocumented
Variable sampleEncodedKey Undocumented
Variable sampleHashedLine Undocumented
Variable sampleHostIPLine Undocumented
Variable sampleKey Undocumented
Variable samplePlaintextLine Undocumented
Variable thirdSampleEncodedKey Undocumented
Variable thirdSampleKey Undocumented
ecdsaSampleEncodedKey: bytes = (source)


ecdsaSampleKey = (source)


otherSampleEncodedKey: bytes = (source)


otherSampleKey = (source)


otherSamplePlaintextLine = (source)


sampleEncodedKey: bytes = (source)


sampleHashedLine = (source)


sampleHostIPLine = (source)


sampleKey = (source)


samplePlaintextLine = (source)


thirdSampleEncodedKey: bytes = (source)


thirdSampleKey = (source)
