module documentation

Test cases for twisted.mail.smtp module.

Class AbortableStringTransport A version of StringTransport that supports abortConnection.
Class AnotherESMTPTests Undocumented
Class AnotherSMTPTests Undocumented
Class AnotherTestCase No class docstring; 0/4 class variable, 1/1 method documented
Class AuthTests No class docstring; 3/3 methods documented
Class BrokenMessage BrokenMessage is an IMessage which raises an unexpected exception from its eomReceived method. This is useful for creating a server which can be used to test client retry behavior.
Class DummyChecker Undocumented
Class DummyDomain DummyDomain is an IDomain which keeps track of messages delivered to it in memory.
Class DummyESMTP Undocumented
Class DummyMessage BrokenMessage is an IMessage which saves the message delivered to it to its domain object.
Class DummyProto Undocumented
Class DummyRealm Undocumented
Class DummySMTP Undocumented
Class DummySMTPMessage Undocumented
Class EmptyLineTests No class docstring; 1/1 method documented
Class ESMTPAuthenticationTests No class docstring; 0/2 instance variable, 12/13 methods documented
Class ESMTPDowngradeTestCase Tests for the ESMTP -> SMTP downgrade functionality in smtp.ESMTPClient.
Class FakeSMTPServer Undocumented
Class LoopbackMixin Undocumented
Class MultipleDeliveryFactorySMTPServerFactory MultipleDeliveryFactorySMTPServerFactory creates SMTP server protocol instances with message delivery factory objects supplied to it. Each factory is used for one connection and then discarded. Factories are used in the order they are supplied.
Class MyClient Undocumented
Class MyESMTPClient Undocumented
Class MySMTPClient Undocumented
Class NoticeTLSClient Undocumented
Class NotImplementedDelivery Non-implementation of smtp.IMessageDelivery which only has methods which raise NotImplementedError. Subclassed by various tests to provide the particular behavior being tested.
Class SenderMixinSentMailTests Tests for smtp.SenderMixin.sentMail, used in particular by smtp.SMTPSenderFactory and smtp.ESMTPSenderFactory.
Class SendmailTests Tests for twisted.mail.smtp.sendmail.
Class SimpleDelivery SimpleDelivery is a message delivery factory with no interesting behavior.
Class SingletonRealm Trivial realm implementation which is constructed with an interface and an avatar and returns that avatar when asked for that interface.
Class SMTPClientErrorTests Tests for smtp.SMTPClientError.
Class SMTPClientTests Tests for smtp.SMTPClient.
Class SMTPHelperTests No class docstring; 2/6 methods documented
Class SMTPSenderFactoryRetryTests Tests for the retry behavior of smtp.SMTPSenderFactory.
Class SMTPSenderFactoryTests Tests for smtp.SMTPSenderFactory.
Class SMTPServerTests Test various behaviors of twisted.mail.smtp.SMTP and twisted.mail.smtp.ESMTP.
Class SSLTestCase Tests for the TLS negotiation done by smtp.ESMTPClient.
Class TimeoutTests Check that SMTP client factories correctly use the timeout.
Class TLSTests Undocumented
Function spameater Undocumented
Variable mail Undocumented
Variable sslSkip Undocumented
def spameater(*spam, **eggs): (source)


