module documentation

A small application that can be used to test a WSGI server and check it for WSGI compliance.

Function iter_sys_path Undocumented
Function render_testapp Undocumented
Function test_app Simple test application that dumps the environment. You can use it to check if Werkzeug is working properly:
Constant TEMPLATE Undocumented
Variable logo Undocumented
def iter_sys_path() -> t.Iterator[t.Tuple[str, bool, bool]]: (source)


def render_testapp(req: Request) -> bytes: (source)


def test_app(environ: WSGIEnvironment, start_response: StartResponse) -> t.Iterable[bytes]: (source)

Simple test application that dumps the environment. You can use it to check if Werkzeug is working properly: .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> from werkzeug.serving import run_simple >>> from werkzeug.testapp import test_app >>> run_simple('localhost', 3000, test_app) * Running on http://localhost:3000/ The application displays important information from the WSGI environment, the Python interpreter and the installed libraries.

TEMPLATE: str = (source)


'''<!doctype html>
<html lang=en>
<title>WSGI Information</title>
<style type="text/css">
  @import url(;

  body       { font-family: \'Lucida Grande\', \'Lucida Sans Unicode\', \'Geneva
