package documentation


Module console No module docstring; 0/2 variable, 3/5 classes documented
Module repr Object representations for debugging purposes. Unlike the default repr, these expose more information and produce HTML instead of ASCII.
Module tbtools No module docstring; 0/6 constant, 0/2 function, 1/2 class documented


Class DebuggedApplication Enables debugging support for a given application::
Function get_machine_id Undocumented
Function get_pin_and_cookie_name Given an application object this returns a semi-stable 9 digit pin code and a random key. The hope is that this is stable between restarts to not make debugging particularly frustrating. If the pin was forcefully disabled this returns `None`.
Function hash_pin Undocumented
Constant PIN_TIME Undocumented
Class _ConsoleFrame Helper class so that we can reuse the frame console code for the standalone console.
Variable _machine_id Undocumented
PIN_TIME = (source)


def hash_pin(pin: str) -> str: (source)



def get_machine_id() -> t.Optional[t.Union[str, bytes]]: (source)


def get_pin_and_cookie_name(app: WSGIApplication) -> t.Union[t.Tuple[str, str], t.Tuple[None, None]]: (source)

Given an application object this returns a semi-stable 9 digit pin code and a random key. The hope is that this is stable between restarts to not make debugging particularly frustrating. If the pin was forcefully disabled this returns `None`. Second item in the resulting tuple is the cookie name for remembering.