module documentation

Unit tests for twisted.python.constants.

Class ConstantsDeprecationTests twisted.python.constants is deprecated.
Class FlagConstantNegationTests Tests for the ~ operator as defined for FlagConstant instances, used to create new FlagConstant instances representing all the flags from a Flags class not set in a particular FlagConstant instance.
Class FlagConstantSimpleAndTests Tests for the & operator as defined for FlagConstant instances, used to create new FlagConstant instances representing the common parts of two existing FlagConstant instances from the same Flags class.
Class FlagConstantSimpleExclusiveOrTests Tests for the ^ operator as defined for FlagConstant instances, used to create new FlagConstant instances representing the uncommon parts of two existing FlagConstant instances from the same Flags class.
Class FlagConstantSimpleOrTests Tests for the | operator as defined for FlagConstant instances, used to create new FlagConstant instances representing both of two existing FlagConstant instances from the same Flags class.
Class FlagsTests Tests for twisted.python.constants.Flags, a base class for containers of related, combinable flag or bitvector-like constants.
Class MoreNamedLetters Some more letters, named.
Class NamedConstantTests Tests for the twisted.python.constants.NamedConstant class which is used to represent individual values.
Class NamedLetters Some letters, named.
Class NamesTests Tests for twisted.python.constants.Names, a base class for containers of related constraints.
Class OrderedConstantsTests Tests for the ordering of constants. All constants are ordered by the order in which they are defined in their container class. The ordering of constants that are not in the same container is not defined.
Class PizzaToppings Some pizza toppings, with obviously meaningful bitwise values.
Class ValuedLetters Some more letters, with corresponding unicode values.
Class ValuesTests Tests for twisted.python.constants.Names, a base class for containers of related constraints with arbitrary values.
Class _ConstantsTestsMixin Mixin defining test helpers common to multiple types of constants collections.
Class _FlagsTestsMixin Mixin defining setup code for any tests for Flags subclasses.