module documentation

Tests for twisted.python.util.

Class DeprecationTests Tests for deprecations in twisted.python.util.
Class DerivedRecord A class with an inheritance relationship to Record.
Class DifferentRecord Trivial user of FancyEqMixin which is not related to Record.
Class EqualityTests Tests for FancyEqMixin.
Class EqualToEverything A class the instances of which consider themselves equal to everything.
Class EqualToNothing A class the instances of which consider themselves equal to nothing.
Class FancyStrMixinTests Tests for util.FancyStrMixin.
Class GetPasswordTests No class docstring; 1/1 method documented
Class InitGroupsTests Tests for util.initgroups.
Class InsensitiveDictTests Tests for util.InsensitiveDict.
Class IntervalDifferentialTests Undocumented
Class MergeFunctionMetadataTests Tests for mergeFunctionMetadata.
Class NameToLabelTests Tests for nameToLabel.
Class OrderedDictTests Tests for util.OrderedDict.
Class PadToTests Tests for util.padTo.
Class PasswordTestingProcessProtocol Write the string "secret\n" to a subprocess and then collect all of its output and fire a Deferred with it when the process ends.
Class Record Trivial user of FancyEqMixin used by tests.
Class RunAsEffectiveUserTests Test for the util.runAsEffectiveUser function.
Class SearchUpwardsTests Undocumented
Class SuppressedWarningsTests Tests for util.runWithWarningsSuppressed.
Class SwitchUIDTests Tests for util.switchUID.
Class UntilConcludesTests Tests for untilConcludes, an EINTR helper.
Class UtilTests No class docstring; 4/6 methods documented
Variable pyExe Undocumented
