module documentation

Tests for Twisted's deprecation framework, twisted.python.deprecate.

Class AppendToDocstringTests Test the _appendToDocstring function.
Class ClassWithDeprecatedProperty Class with a single deprecated property.
Class DeprecatedAttributeTests Tests for twisted.python.deprecate._DeprecatedAttribute and twisted.python.deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute, which issue warnings for deprecated module-level attributes.
Class DeprecatedClass Class which is entirely deprecated without having a replacement.
Class DeprecatedDecoratorTests Tests for deprecated decorators.
Class DeprecationWarningsTests No class docstring; 9/9 methods documented
Class ImportedModuleAttributeTests Tests for deprecatedModuleAttribute which involve loading a module via 'import'.
Class KeywordOnlyTests Keyword only arguments (PEP 3102).
Class ModuleProxyTests Tests for twisted.python.deprecate._ModuleProxy, which proxies access to module-level attributes, intercepting access to deprecated attributes and passing through access to normal attributes.
Class MutualArgumentExclusionTests Tests for mutuallyExclusiveArguments.
Class WarnAboutFunctionTests Tests for twisted.python.deprecate.warnAboutFunction which allows the callers of a function to issue a DeprecationWarning about that function.
Function dummyCallable Do nothing.
Function dummyReplacementMethod Do nothing.
Function functionWithDeprecatedParameter Function with a deprecated keyword parameter.
Class _MockDeprecatedAttribute Mock of twisted.python.deprecate._DeprecatedAttribute.
def dummyCallable(): (source)

Do nothing.

This is used to test the deprecation decorators.

def dummyReplacementMethod(): (source)

Do nothing.

This is used to test the replacement parameter to deprecated.

@deprecatedKeywordParameter(Version('Twisted', 19, 2, 0), 'foo')
def functionWithDeprecatedParameter(a, b, c=1, foo=2, bar=3): (source)

Function with a deprecated keyword parameter.