module documentation

Test cases for twisted.python._shellcomp

Class CompleterNotImplementedTests Test that using an unknown shell constant with SubcommandAction raises NotImplementedError
Class EscapeTests No class docstring; 1/1 method documented
Class FighterAceExtendedOptions Extend the options and zsh metadata provided by FighterAceOptions. _shellcomp must accumulate options and metadata from all classes in the hiearchy so this is important to test.
Class FighterAceOptions Command-line options for an imaginary `Fighter Ace` game
Class FighterAceServerOptions Options for FighterAce 'server' subcommand
Class SimpleProgOptions Command-line options for a `Silly` imaginary program
Class SimpleProgSub1 Undocumented
Class SimpleProgSub2 Undocumented
Class SimpleProgWithSubcommands Undocumented
Class ZshScriptTestMeta Metaclass of ZshScriptTestMixin.
Class ZshScriptTestMixin Integration test helper to show that usage.Options classes can have zsh completion functions generated for them without raising errors.
Class ZshTests Tests for zsh completion code
Function test_genZshFunction Generate completion functions for given twisted command - no errors should be raised
Variable testOutput1 Undocumented
Variable testOutput2 Undocumented
Function _accuracyAction Undocumented
def test_genZshFunction(self, cmdName, optionsFQPN): (source)

Generate completion functions for given twisted command - no errors should be raised

cmdName:strThe name of the command-line utility e.g. 'twistd'
optionsFQPN:strThe Fully Qualified Python Name of the Options class to be tested.
testOutput1: bytes = (source)


testOutput2: bytes = (source)


def _accuracyAction(): (source)
