module documentation

Tests for twisted.python.release and twisted.python._release.

All of these tests are skipped on platforms other than Linux, as the release is only ever performed on Linux.

Class CheckNewsfragmentScriptTests CheckNewsfragmentScript.
Class CommandsTestMixin Test mixin for the VCS commands used by the release scripts.
Class ExternalTempdirTestCase A test case which has mkdir make directories outside of the usual spot, so that Git commands don't interfere with the Twisted checkout.
Class FilePathDeltaTests Tests for filePathDelta.
Class GitCommandTest Specific CommandsTestMixin related to Git repositories through GitCommand.
Class ProjectTests There is a first-class representation of a project.
Class RepositoryCommandDetectionTest Test the getRepositoryCommand to access the right set of VCS commands depending on the repository manipulated.
Class StructureAssertingMixin A mixin for TestCase subclasses which provides some methods for asserting the structure and contents of directories and files on the filesystem.
Class UtilityTests Tests for various utility functions for releasing.
Class VCSCommandInterfaceTests Test that the VCS command classes implement their interface.
Function genVersion A convenience for generating data.
Constant GENERIC_CI_ENVIRON Undocumented
Constant PRECOMMIT_CI_ENVIRON Undocumented
Variable skip Undocumented
Function _gitConfig Set some config in the repo that Git requires to make commits. This isn't needed in real usage, just for tests.
Function _gitInit Run a git init, and set some config that git requires. This isn't needed in real usage.
def genVersion(*args, **kwargs): (source)

A convenience for generating data.

*argsArguments to pass to Version.
**kwargsKeyword arguments to pass to Version.


{'GITHUB_HEAD_REF': '1234-some-branch-name', 'PATH': os.environ['PATH']}


{'GITHUB_HEAD_REF': 'pre-commit-ci-update-config', 'PATH': os.environ['PATH']}


def _gitConfig(path): (source)

Set some config in the repo that Git requires to make commits. This isn't needed in real usage, just for tests.

path:FilePathThe path to the Git repository.
def _gitInit(path): (source)

Run a git init, and set some config that git requires. This isn't needed in real usage.

path:FilePathThe path to where the Git repo will be created.