module documentation
Class CFTPClientTestBase Undocumented
Class FilesystemAccessExpectations A test helper used to support expected filesystem access.
Class FileTransferTestRealm Undocumented
Class InMemoryRemoteFile An ISFTPFile which handles all data in memory.
Class InMemorySFTPClient A filetransfer.FileTransferClient which does filesystem operations in memory, without touching the local disc or the network interface.
Class InMemorySSHChannel Minimal implementation of a SSHChannel like class which only reads and writes data from memory.
Class ListingTests Tests for lsLine, the function which generates an entry for a file or directory in an SFTP ls command's output.
Class OurServerBatchFileTests Functional tests which launch a SFTP server over localhost and checks csftp in batch interface.
Class OurServerCmdLineClientTests Functional tests which launch a SFTP server over TCP on localhost and check cftp command line interface using a spawned process.
Class OurServerSftpClientTests Test the sftp server against sftp command line client.
Class SFTPTestProcess Protocol for testing cftp. Provides an interface between Python (where all the tests are) and the cftp client process (which does the work that is being tested).
Class SSHSessionTests Tests for twisted.conch.scripts.cftp.SSHSession.
Class StdioClientTests Tests for cftp.StdioClient.
Variable cryptography Undocumented
Variable pyasn1 Undocumented
Variable skipTests Undocumented
Variable unix Undocumented
cryptography = (source)



skipTests: bool = (source)

