module documentation


Class CmdLineClientTests Connection forwarding tests run against the Conch command line client.
Class ConchServerSetupMixin No class docstring; 0/6 instance variable, 0/1 class variable, 1/5 method, 0/1 static method documented
Class ConchTestForwardingPort Connects to server launched by a third-party process (managed by ConchTestForwardingProcess) sends data, then reports whatever it received back to the ConchTestForwardingProcess once the connection is ended.
Class ConchTestForwardingProcess Manages a third-party process which launches a server.
Class ConchTestOpenSSHProcess Test protocol for launching an OpenSSH client process.
Class Echo Undocumented
Class EchoFactory Undocumented
Class FakeStdio A fake for testing twisted.conch.scripts.conch.SSHSession.eofReceived and twisted.conch.scripts.cftp.SSHSession.eofReceived.
Class ForwardingMixin Template class for tests of the Conch server's ability to forward arbitrary protocols over SSH.
Class OpenSSHClientForwardingTests Connection forwarding tests run against the OpenSSL command line client.
Class OpenSSHClientMixin No class docstring; 0/1 class variable, 1/1 method documented
Class OpenSSHClientRekeyTests Rekeying tests run against the OpenSSL command line client.
Class OpenSSHKeyExchangeTests Tests SSHTransportBase's key exchange algorithm compatibility with OpenSSH.
Class RekeyAvatar This avatar implements a shell which sends 60 numbered lines to whatever connects to it, then closes the session with a 0 exit status.
Class RekeyRealm This realm gives out new RekeyAvatar instances for any avatar request.
Class RekeyTestsMixin TestCase mixin which defines tests exercising SSHTransportBase's handling of rekeying messages.
Class StdioInteractingSessionTests Tests for twisted.conch.scripts.conch.SSHSession.
Constant HAS_IPV6 Undocumented
Variable cryptography Undocumented
Variable pyasn1 Undocumented
Function _has_ipv6 Returns True if the system can bind an IPv6 address.
Function _makeArgs Undocumented
HAS_IPV6 = (source)


cryptography = (source)



def _has_ipv6(): (source)

Returns True if the system can bind an IPv6 address.

def _makeArgs(args, mod='conch'): (source)
