module documentation

Tests for the 'session' channel implementation in twisted.conch.ssh.session.

See also RFC 4254.

Class EchoTransport A transport for a ProcessProtocol which echos data that is sent to it with a Window newline (CR LF) appended to it. If a null byte is in the data, disconnect. When we are asked to disconnect, disconnect the ...
Class HelpersTests Tests for the 4 helper functions: parseRequest_* and packRequest_*.
Class MockProtocol A sample Protocol which stores the data passed to it.
Class SessionInterfaceTests Tests for the SSHSession class interface. This interface is not ideal, but it is tested in order to maintain backwards compatibility.
Class SessionWithNoAvatarTests Test for the SSHSession interface. Several of the methods (request_shell, request_exec, request_pty_req, request_env, request_window_change) would create a 'session' instance variable from the avatar if one didn't exist when they were called.
Class SSHSessionClientTests SSHSessionClient is an obsolete class used to connect standard IO to an SSHSession.
Class SSHSessionProcessProtocolTests Tests for SSHSessionProcessProtocol.
Class StubAvatar A stub class representing the avatar representing the authenticated user. It implements the ISession interface.
Class StubClient A stub class representing the client to a SSHSession.
Class StubConnection A stub for twisted.conch.ssh.connection.SSHConnection. Record the data that channels send, and when they try to close the connection.
Class StubSessionForStubAvatar A stub ISession implementation for our StubAvatar. The instance variables generally keep track of method invocations so that we can test that the methods were called.
Class StubSessionForStubAvatarWithEnv Same as StubSessionForStubAvatar, but supporting environment variables setting.
Class StubTransport A stub transport which records the data written.
Class StubTransportWithWriteErr A version of StubTransport which records the error data sent to it.
Class SubsystemOnlyAvatar A stub class representing an avatar that is only useful for getting a subsystem.
Class WrappersTests A test for the wrapProtocol and wrapProcessProtocol functions.
Variable cryptography Undocumented
cryptography = (source)
