module documentation
Class ConchSessionForTestAvatar Undocumented
Class ConstantsTests Tests for the constants used by the SFTP protocol implementation.
Class FakeConn Undocumented
Class FileTransferCloseTests No class docstring; 0/2 instance variable, 3/7 methods documented
Class FileTransferTestAvatar Undocumented
Class OurServerOurClientTests No class docstring; 0/7 instance variable, 7/25 methods documented
Class RawPacketDataServerTests Tests for filetransfer.FileTransferServer which explicitly craft certain less common situations to exercise their handling.
Class RawPacketDataTests Tests for filetransfer.FileTransferClient which explicitly craft certain less common protocol messages to exercise their handling.
Class SFTPTestBase Undocumented
Class TestAvatar Undocumented