module documentation


Class ByteGroupingsMixin Undocumented
Class ClientControlSequencesTests No class docstring; 0/3 instance variable, 5/22 methods documented
Class ClientCursorMovementTests Undocumented
Class Mock No class docstring; 0/3 instance variable, 1/3 method documented
Class MockMixin Undocumented
Class PrintableCharactersTests Undocumented
Class ServerArrowKeysTests Undocumented
Class ServerFunctionKeysTests Test for parsing and dispatching function keys (F1 - F12)
Class ServerProtocolOutputTests Tests for the bytes ServerProtocol writes to its transport when its methods are called.
Function methods Undocumented
Function occurrences Undocumented
Variable C1SevenBit Undocumented
Variable CSFinalByte Undocumented
Variable default Undocumented
Function _append Undocumented
Function _ecmaCodeTableCoordinate Return the byte in 7- or 8-bit code table identified by column and row.
Function _getattr Undocumented
Function _makeControlFunctionSymbols Undocumented
Variable _byteGroupingTestTemplate Undocumented
def methods(mock): (source)


def occurrences(mock): (source)


C1SevenBit = (source)


CSFinalByte = (source)



def _append(mock, obj): (source)


def _ecmaCodeTableCoordinate(column, row): (source)

Return the byte in 7- or 8-bit code table identified by column and row.

"An 8-bit code table consists of 256 positions arranged in 16 columns and 16 rows. The columns and rows are numbered 00 to 15."

"A 7-bit code table consists of 128 positions arranged in 8 columns and 16 rows. The columns are numbered 00 to 07 and the rows 00 to 15 (see figure 1)."

p.5 of "Standard ECMA-35: Character Code Structure and Extension Techniques", 6th Edition (December 1994).

def _getattr(mock, name): (source)


def _makeControlFunctionSymbols(name, colOffset, names, doc): (source)


_byteGroupingTestTemplate: str = (source)
