module documentation

Definitions of test cases with various interesting error-related behaviors, to be used by test modules to exercise different features of trial's test runner.

See the twisted.trial.test.test_tests module docstring for details about how this code is arranged.

Some of these tests are also used by twisted.trial._dist.test.

Class AsynchronousTestFailureButTearDownRuns Undocumented
Class AsynchronousTestFailureInSetUp Undocumented
Class AsynchronousTestFailureInTearDown Undocumented
Class DelayedCall No class docstring; 0/1 class variable, 1/2 method documented
Class ErrorTest A test case which has a test_foo which will raise an error.
Class EventuallyFailingTestCase A test suite that fails after it is run a few times.
Class FailureButTearDownRunsMixin A test fails, but its tearDown still runs.
Class FailureInSetUpMixin Undocumented
Class FailureInTearDownMixin Undocumented
Class ReactorCleanupTests Undocumented
Class SocketOpenTest Undocumented
Class SynchronousTestFailureButTearDownRuns Undocumented
Class SynchronousTestFailureInSetUp Undocumented
Class SynchronousTestFailureInTearDown Undocumented
Class TestAsynchronousFail Test failures for unittest.TestCase based classes.
Class TestRegularFail Undocumented
Class TestSkipTestCase Undocumented
Class TimingOutDeferred Undocumented
Exception FoolishError Undocumented
Exception LargeError An exception which has a string representation of at least a specified number of characters.
Function unexpectedException i will raise an unexpected exception... ... *CAUSE THAT'S THE KINDA GUY I AM*
def unexpectedException(self): (source)

i will raise an unexpected exception... ... *CAUSE THAT'S THE KINDA GUY I AM*

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