module documentation

Tests for assertions provided by SynchronousTestCase and TestCase, provided by twisted.trial.unittest.

TestFailureTests demonstrates that works, so that is the only method on twisted.trial.unittest.SynchronousTestCase that is initially assumed to work. The test classes are arranged so that the methods demonstrated to work earlier in the file are used by those later in the file (even though the runner will probably not run the tests in this order).

Class AssertFalseTests Tests for SynchronousTestCase's assertFalse and failIf assertion methods.
Class AssertionNamesTests Tests for consistency of naming within TestCase assertion methods
Class AssertTrueTests Tests for SynchronousTestCase's assertTrue and failUnless assertion methods.
Class CallDeprecatedTests Test use of the SynchronousTestCase.callDeprecated method with version objects.
Class ComparisonError An object which raises exceptions from its comparison methods.
Class GetDeprecatedModuleAttributeTests Test SynchronousTestCase.getDeprecatedModuleAttribute
Class MockEquality Undocumented
Class ResultOfAssertionsTests Tests for SynchronousTestCase.successResultOf, SynchronousTestCase.failureResultOf, and SynchronousTestCase.assertNoResult.
Class ResultOfCoroutineAssertionsTests Tests for SynchronousTestCase.successResultOf, SynchronousTestCase.failureResultOf, and SynchronousTestCase.assertNoResult when given a coroutine.
Class SynchronousAssertionsTests Tests for SynchronousTestCase's assertion methods. That is, failUnless*, failIf*, assert* (not covered by other more specific test classes).
Class TestFailureTests Tests for the most basic functionality of SynchronousTestCase, for failing tests.
Class WarningAssertionTests No class docstring; 13/13 methods documented
Function oldMethod Deprecated method for testing.
Function oldMethodReplaced Another deprecated method, which has been deprecated in favor of the mythical 'newMethod'.
Function somethingNew A module attribute that is not deprecated. Used by GetDeprecatedModuleAttributeTests.test_notDeprecated.
Function somethingOld A deprecated module attribute. Used by GetDeprecatedModuleAttributeTests.test_deprecated.
def oldMethod(x): (source)

Deprecated method for testing.

def oldMethodReplaced(x): (source)

Another deprecated method, which has been deprecated in favor of the mythical 'newMethod'.

def somethingNew(): (source)

A module attribute that is not deprecated. Used by GetDeprecatedModuleAttributeTests.test_notDeprecated.

def somethingOld(): (source)

A deprecated module attribute. Used by GetDeprecatedModuleAttributeTests.test_deprecated.