module documentation
Class AdaptedReporterTests reporter._AdaptedReporter is a reporter wrapper that wraps all of the tests it receives before passing them on to the original reporter.
Class AnsiColorizerTests Tests for reporter._AnsiColorizer.
Class BrokenStream Stream-ish object that raises a signal interrupt error. We use this to make sure that Trial still manages to write what it needs to write.
Class DirtyReactorTests The trial script has an option to treat DirtyReactorAggregateErrors as warnings, as a migration tool for test authors. It causes a wrapper to be placed around reporters that replaces DirtyReactorAggregatErrors...
Class ErrorReportingTests No class docstring; 0/3 instance variable, 0/1 class variable, 4/7 methods documented
Class ExitWrapperTests Tests for reporter._ExitWrapper.
Class FakeStream A fake stream which isatty method returns some predictable.
Class FormatFailuresTests Undocumented
Class LoggingReporter Simple reporter that stores the last test that was passed to it.
Class MockColorizer Used by TreeReporterTests to make sure that output is colored correctly.
Class PyunitNamesTests No class docstring; 0/2 instance variable, 3/7 methods documented
Class ReporterInterfaceTests Tests for the bare interface of a trial reporter.
Class ReporterRealtimeTests Undocumented
Class ReporterTests Tests for the base reporter.Reporter class.
Class SafeStreamTests No class docstring; 1/1 method documented
Class SkipTests Tests for reporter.Reporter's handling of skips.
Class StringTest Undocumented
Class SubunitReporterNotInstalledTests Test behaviour when the subunit reporter is not installed.
Class SubunitReporterTests Tests for the subunit reporter.
Class TestResultTests No class docstring; 0/1 instance variable, 1/4 method documented
Class TimingReporterTests Undocumented
Class TodoTests Tests for reporter.Reporter's handling of todos.
Class TracebackHandlingTests No class docstring; 3/8 methods documented
Class TreeReporterTests No class docstring; 0/4 instance variable, 5/7 methods documented
Class TrialNamesTests No class docstring; 0/2 instance variable, 1/5 method documented
Class UncleanWarningSkipTests Tests for skips on a reporter.Reporter wrapped by an UncleanWarningsReporterWrapper.
Class UncleanWarningTodoTests Tests for UncleanWarningsReporterWrapper's handling of todos.
Class UncleanWarningWrapperErrorReportingTests Tests that the UncleanWarningsReporterWrapper can sufficiently proxy IReporter failure and error reporting methods to a reporter.Reporter.