module documentation

Tests for twisted.trial.util

Class AcquireAttributeTests Tests for acquireAttribute.
Class DirtyReactorAggregateErrorTests Tests for the DirtyReactorAggregateError.
Class ExcInfoTests Tests for excInfoOrFailureToExcInfo.
Class JanitorTests Tests for _Janitor!
Class ListToPhraseTests Input is transformed into a string representation of the list, with each item separated by delimiter (defaulting to a comma) and the final two being separated by a final delimiter.
Class MktempTests Tests for TestCase.mktemp, a helper function for creating temporary file or directory names.
Class OpenTestLogTests Tests for openTestLog.
Class RemoveSafelyTests Tests for util._removeSafely.
Class StubErrorReporter A subset of twisted.trial.itrial.IReporter which records addError calls.
Class StubReactor A reactor stub which contains enough functionality to be used with the _Janitor.