module documentation

Tests for twisted.python.log.

Class DefaultObserverTests Test the default observer.
Class EvilRepr Undocumented
Class EvilReprStr Undocumented
Class EvilStr Undocumented
Class FakeFile Undocumented
Class FileObserverTests Tests for log.FileObserver.
Class LogPublisherTestCaseMixin No class docstring; 1/4 instance variable, 2/2 methods documented
Class LogPublisherTests No class docstring; 1/3 method documented
Class LogTests No class docstring; 0/2 instance variable, 4/9 methods documented
Class PythonLoggingIntegrationTests Test integration of python logging bridge.
Class PythonLoggingObserverTests Test the bridge with python logging module.
Class StdioOnnaStickTests StdioOnnaStick should act like the normal sys.stdout object.
Class TextFromEventDictTests Tests for textFromEventDict.
Exception FakeWarning A unique Warning subclass used by tests for interactions of twisted.python.log with the warnings module.