module documentation

Tests for twisted.python.usage, a command line option parsing library.

Class CompleterNotImplementedTests Using an unknown shell constant with the various Completer() classes should raise NotImplementedError
Class FlagFunctionTests Tests for usage.flagFunction.
Class HelpStringTests Test generated help strings.
Class HolyQuestOptions Undocumented
Class InquisitionOptions Undocumented
Class OptionsInternalTests Tests internal behavior of usage.Options.
Class OutputTests No class docstring; 1/1 method documented
Class ParseCorrectnessTests Test usage.Options.parseOptions for correct values under good conditions.
Class PortCoerceTests Test the behavior of usage.portCoerce.
Class SubCommandOptions Undocumented
Class SubCommandTests Test usage.Options.parseOptions for options with subcommands.
Class TypedOptions No class docstring; 0/1 instance variable, 0/1 class variable, 1/1 method documented
Class TypedTests Test usage.Options.parseOptions for options with forced types.
Class WeirdCallableOptions Undocumented
Class WellBehaved Undocumented
Class WrongTypedOptions Undocumented
Class WrongTypedTests Test usage.Options.parseOptions for wrong coerce options.
Class ZshCompleterTests Test the behavior of the various twisted.usage.Completer classes for producing output usable by zsh tab-completion system.