module documentation
Class ApplicationRunnerTests Non-platform-specific tests for the platform-specific ApplicationRunner.
Class AppLoggerTests Tests for app.AppLogger.
Class AppProfilingTests Tests for app.AppProfiler.
Class CheckPIDTests Tests for checkPID.
Class CrippledApplicationRunner An application runner that cripples the platform-specific runner and nasty side-effect-having code so that we can use it without actually running any environment-affecting code.
Class CrippledAppLogger No summary
Class DaemonizeTests Tests for _twistd_unix.UnixApplicationRunner daemonization.
Class DummyReactor A dummy reactor, only providing a run method and checking that it has been called.
Class ExitWithSignalTests Tests for
Class FakeDaemonizingReactor A dummy reactor, providing beforeDaemonize and afterDaemonize methods, announcing this, and logging whether the methods have been called.
Class FakeNonDaemonizingReactor A dummy reactor, providing beforeDaemonize and afterDaemonize methods, but not announcing this, and logging whether the methods have been called.
Class MockServiceMaker A non-implementation of twisted.application.service.IServiceMaker.
Class ServerOptionsTests Non-platform-specific tests for the platform-specific ServerOptions class.
Class SignalCapturingMemoryReactor MemoryReactor that implements the _ISupportsExitSignalCapturing interface, all other operations identical to MemoryReactor.
Class StubApplicationRunnerWithSignal An application runner that uses a SignalCapturingMemoryReactor and has a _signalValue attribute that it will set in the reactor.
Class TapFileTests Test twistd-related functionality that requires a tap file on disk.
Class TestApplicationRunner An ApplicationRunner which tracks the environment in which its methods are called.
Class TestLoggerFactory A logger factory for TestApplicationRunner.
Class UnixApplicationRunnerRemovePIDTests Tests for UnixApplicationRunner.removePID.
Class UnixApplicationRunnerSetupEnvironmentTests Tests for UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment.
Class UnixApplicationRunnerStartApplicationTests Tests for UnixApplicationRunner.startApplication.
Class UnixAppLoggerTests Tests for UnixAppLogger.
Function patchUserDatabase Patch pwd.getpwnam so that it behaves as though only one user exists and patch grp.getgrnam so that it behaves as though only one group exists.
Function stubApplicationRunnerFactoryCreator Create a factory function to instantiate a StubApplicationRunnerWithSignal that will report signum as the captured signal..
Variable cProfile Undocumented
Variable profile Undocumented
Variable pstats Undocumented
Variable syslog Undocumented
Function _patchTextFileLogObserver Patch logger.textFileLogObserver to record every call and keep a reference to the passed log file for tests.
Function _setupSyslog Make fake syslog, and return list to which prefix and then log messages will be appended if it is used.
Variable _twistd_unix Undocumented
def patchUserDatabase(patch, user, uid, group, gid): (source)

Patch pwd.getpwnam so that it behaves as though only one user exists and patch grp.getgrnam so that it behaves as though only one group exists.

patchA function like TestCase.patch which will be used to install the fake implementations.
user:strThe name of the single user which will exist.
uid:intThe UID of the single user which will exist.
group:strThe name of the single user which will exist.
gid:intThe GID of the single group which will exist.
def stubApplicationRunnerFactoryCreator(signum): (source)

Create a factory function to instantiate a StubApplicationRunnerWithSignal that will report signum as the captured signal..

signum:int or NoneThe integer signal number or None
stubApplicationRunnerFactoryA factory function to create stub runners.
cProfile = (source)





def _patchTextFileLogObserver(patch): (source)

Patch logger.textFileLogObserver to record every call and keep a reference to the passed log file for tests.

patcha callback for patching (usually TestCase.patch).
listthe list that keeps track of the log files.
def _setupSyslog(testCase): (source)

Make fake syslog, and return list to which prefix and then log messages will be appended if it is used.

_twistd_unix = (source)
