module documentation

Tests for Twisted plugin system.

Interface ITestPlugin A plugin for use by the plugin system's unit tests.
Interface ITestPlugin2 See ITestPlugin.
Class AdjacentPackageTests Tests for the behavior of the plugin system when there are multiple installed copies of the package containing the plugins being loaded.
Class DeveloperSetupTests These tests verify things about the plugin system without actually interacting with the deployed 'twisted.plugins' package, instead creating a temporary package.
Class PackagePathTests Tests for plugin.pluginPackagePaths which constructs search paths for plugin packages.
Class PluginTests Tests which verify the behavior of the current, active Twisted plugins directory.
Function pluginFileContents Undocumented
Variable pluginInitFile Undocumented
Function _createPluginDummy Create a plugindummy package.
def pluginFileContents(name): (source)


pluginInitFile: bytes = (source)


def _createPluginDummy(entrypath, pluginContent, real, pluginModule): (source)

Create a plugindummy package.