module documentation

Test cases for the twisted.python.reflect module.

Class AccumulateMethodsTests Tests for accumulateMethods which finds methods on a class hierarchy and adds them to a dictionary.
Class AddMethodNamesToDictTests Tests for addMethodNamesToDict.
Class Base A no-op class which can be used to verify the behavior of method-discovering APIs.
Class Breakable Undocumented
Class BrokenType Undocumented
Class FilenameToModuleTests Test filenameToModuleName detection.
Class FullyQualifiedNameTests Test for fullyQualifiedName.
Class GetClassTests Undocumented
Class LookupsTests Tests for namedClass, namedModule, and namedAny.
Class NoClassAttr Undocumented
Class ObjectGrepTests No class docstring; 9/9 methods documented
Class PrefixedMethodNamesTests Tests for prefixedMethodNames.
Class PrefixedMethodsTests Tests for prefixedMethods which finds methods on a class hierarchy and adds them to a dictionary.
Class SafeReprTests Tests for reflect.safe_repr function.
Class SafeStrTests Tests for reflect.safe_str function.
Class Separate A no-op class with methods with differing prefixes.
Class Sub A subclass of a class with a method which can be discovered.
Class Summer A class we look up as part of the LookupsTests.
Variable BTBase Undocumented
