module documentation

Test running processes.

Class Accumulator Accumulate data from a process.
Class ClosingPipesProcessProtocol Undocumented
Class ClosingPipesTests No class docstring; 4/4 methods documented
Class DumbProcessReader A fake ProcessReader used for tests.
Class DumbProcessWriter A fake ProcessWriter used for tests.
Class DumbPTYProcess A fake PTYProcess used for tests.
Class DumbWin32ProcTests twisted.internet._dumbwin32proc tests.
Class EchoProtocol Undocumented
Class FDChecker Undocumented
Class FDTests Undocumented
Class GetArgumentVector Protocol which will read a serialized argv from a process and expose it to interested parties.
Class GetEnvironmentDictionary Protocol which will read a serialized environment dict from a process and expose it to interested parties.
Class MockOS The mock OS: overwrite os, fcntl and {sys} functions with fake ones.
Class MockProcessTests Mock a process runner to test forked child code path.
Class MockSignal Neuter signal.signal, but pass other attributes unscathed
Class PosixProcessBase Test running processes.
Class PosixProcessPTYTests Just like PosixProcessTests, but use ptys instead of pipes.
Class PosixProcessTests No class docstring; 1/2 method documented
Class ProcessProtocolTests Tests for behavior provided by the process protocol base class, protocol.ProcessProtocol.
Class ProcessTests Test running a process.
Class SignalProtocol A process protocol that sends a signal when data is first received.
Class StubProcessProtocol ProcessProtocol counter-implementation: all methods on this class raise an exception, so instances of this may be used to verify that only certain methods are called.
Class TestManyProcessProtocol Undocumented
Class TestProcessProtocol No class docstring; 0/4 instance variable, 2/4 methods documented
Class TestTwoProcessesBase Undocumented
Class TrivialProcessProtocol Simple process protocol for tests purpose.
Class TwoProcessesNonPosixTests Undocumented
Class TwoProcessesPosixTests Undocumented
Class TwoProcessProtocol Undocumented
Class UtilityProcessProtocol Helper class for launching a Python process and getting a result from it.
Class UtilTests Tests for process-related helper functions (currently only procutils.which.
Class Win32CreateProcessFlagsTests Check the flags passed to CreateProcess.
Class Win32ProcessTests Test process programs that are packaged with twisted.
Class Win32SignalProtocol A win32-specific process protocol that handles processEnded differently: processes should exit with exit code 1.
Class Win32UnicodeEnvironmentTests Tests for Unicode environment on Windows
Constant CONCURRENT_PROCESS_TEST_COUNT The number of concurrent processes to use to stress-test the spawnProcess API. This value is tuned to a number of processes which has been determined to stay below various experimentally-determined limitations of our supported platforms...
Variable properEnv A copy of os.environ which has bytes keys/values on POSIX platforms and native str keys/values on Windows.
Variable pyExe Undocumented

The number of concurrent processes to use to stress-test the spawnProcess API. This value is tuned to a number of processes which has been determined to stay below various experimentally-determined limitations of our supported platforms. Particularly, Windows XP seems to have some undocumented limitations which cause spurious failures if this value is pushed too high. Please see this ticket for a discussion of how we arrived at its current value.

properEnv = (source)

A copy of os.environ which has bytes keys/values on POSIX platforms and native str keys/values on Windows.
